Sunday 19 August 2012


I am an Aussie girl in my late 30's who has decided to write a blog centered around Asian ingredients and Asian cooking. My hope is that this blog will lead to a sharing of ideas about recipes and ingredients. 

In the last 5 years or so l have realized l am a little food obsessed, particularly when it comes to Asian food. I am like a junkie when it comes to food magazines, cook books, and cooking shows.  I can't get enough of them.  I also love wandering around food markets and soaking up the atmosphere and checking out all the fresh produce. Overseas food markets are a particular joy.  Exploring food markets in Japan, China, Hong Kong and Malaysia have been highlights of my travels. Coming home from food markets and trying out new ingredients or recipes is like play time for me.  I am in a happy place in the kitchen. Sharing these meals with my partner or friends brings me great happiness. My partner is Asian and he grew up with traditional home cooked Vietnamese / Chinese food every day so he is a harsh critic of my Asian cooking. In our home we mostly eat Asian food and my partner tells me "we are an Asian family" because of this.  This makes me laugh.  

Thanks for taking a look at my blog and l wish you lots of happiness in the kitchen.




  1. Hey Sarz, Can't wait to see your creations! You go girl! Lis Xx

  2. Hey Lis! Thanks so much for the encouragement. Hope to see you soon. xx
