Saturday 1 September 2012


There is nothing better than  having a few friends over and sitting around the kitchen table and chatting away whilst cracking crab shells and sucking out the succulent flesh.  It's messy and its painfully slow to eat but all this just seems to add to the experience. Conversations just flow as everyone happily munches away.

When cooking crab l always bring the completed dish to the table in the wok.  This way all your friends can help themselves and you can reheat the crab in between the munching sessions.  Individual finger bowls are essential.  I add a slice of lemon and hot water to each bowl.  A nut cracker per person is also a must, along with serviettes.

Ingredients (Serves 4)

4 blue swimmer crabs
2 tablespoons of Vegetable oil
4 cloves of garlic, chopped finely
3 teaspoons of grated fresh ginger
2 small red chillies, finely chopped
400g can, peeled whole tomatoes in tomatoe juice
1/2 cup of water
1 tablespoon of light soy sauce
2 teaspoons of rice vinegar
50 gms thin Vermicelli noodles

1.  If your crabs are alive place them in the freezer for a few hours as this is the most humane way to "put them to sleep".  Once thawed scrub the crabs with a firm scrubbing brush.  Using your hands pull off all the claws / legs. Crack the claws with a meat tenderizer (makes them easier to eat later on).  Lift the apron (small flap on underside of crab) and pull off the top hard shell.  Remove the intestines and gills. Using a cleaver cut the body in quarters.  Rinse under water.

2.  Cook Vermicelli noodles in a saucepan as per packet instructions.
3.  Heat the wok and then add the vegetable oil.  Stir fry the crab in batches for 3 minutes or so, or until bright red, and then remove and set aside.  Add the garlic, ginger and chilli to wok and cook on low heat for a few minutes. Add in the whole can of tomatoes and juice, soy sauce, vinegar and water.  Stir and bring to the boil.

4.  Return crab to the wok. Cook on a medium heat for a further 6 minutes, stirring gently and regularly, making sure all the crab is coated in the sauce.  Add  vermicelli noodles to the wok and stir again and serve.

Serve with a bowl of steaming Jasmine rice and stir fried green vegetables as a side dish.

I hope you enjoy this crab feast!

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmmm I guess I am just a casual aquaintaince ....because I wasn't invite to par take in the chilli crab... :~(
